Our company's expert staff consists of the following people:

dr. János lváncsics is a senior official with 25 years of professional experience in the economic and financial field. His professional activities in complex financial activities at the Kisaföld Vállalkózasféllezzejsi Alapítvány and Pannon Finance Zrt, as well as his managerial experience, make him suitable for managing the organizational system of the liquidation organization and the complex for managing financial and economic tasks.

Ms. Pothárn Miklósné is a liquidation commissioner with a specialized qualification, who has 15 years of continuous professional experience in conducting liquidation and reorganization type procedures as a single person and in a team of experts. Our expert has been working for the same liquidation organization for 15 years, where he has participated in approximately 400 procedures, and considers his most significant professional success to be the procedure of MSC Hungary Kft. and its group of companies and Gerencsér Autócsoport.

dr. Ádám Beáta is a liquidation commissioner with specialized qualifications, qualified lawyer, insolvency lawyer, who has 17 years of continuous professional experience in liquidation and reorganization type procedures in single-person and expert teams. Our expert has been working for liquidation organizations for more than 15 years, until now he has participated in nearly 400 procedures as a liquidation commissioner or as a professional manager.

Dr. Kacskovics Barbara Bartl is a qualified lawyer, she worked as a candidate lawyer for 4 years, she is currently a lawyer for 4 years, a member of the Budapest Bar Association, her field of expertise is bankruptcy law in the field of economic law. She started his professional activity at the Law Office, where she participated in about 50 liquidation proceedings as a candidate lawyer and later as a lawyer. Through the enforcement of creditors' interests, and in addition, her procedural practice in civil litigation and administrative law makes him suitable for exploring, solving, and handling legal problems arising at the liquidation organization. She constantly updates her legal knowledge and keeps it up to date. In addition to her legal education, she has a degree in economics, she passed the law-economics course at Budapest's Corvinus University, and after completing her thesis (which is expected in January 2021), she will receive a diploma in economics.

Marton Szandra Vivien is an economist, she completed her studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with good results. During her studies, he specialized in the management of business processes.